Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Is Finally Over......

I am really peeved that I can not upload pics on here. I think when Tax time comes... I will might get me a new Laptop or Desktop!
And then maybe I could upload some more pictures!! I took alot of pics with my cell phone and I have uploaded them onto my Facebook page, so if you have me on your Facebook you will be able to see us!
Anyway-- Max got TONS of Tractors.... John Deere and Case Tractors... He woke up to lots of toys and presents. A day before Christmas... Max had opened the box that my Dad and Janell had sent us by UPS. And he opened the present.... which was a John Deere Blanket!! That was so way cool!!! Which she knows that Max likes John Deere Tractors!! So she got him a book and a shirt and a... John Deere Tractor!!! ALL John Deere stuff!! And he got the cutest little pair of PJ's that said.... "ON SANTA'S GOOD LIST" ohh so cute! And sooo NOT true!! hahaha
So Max has been talking about getting a Disc for Christmas.... a part that goes on the Tractor. IDK. So he got his Disc and a bunch of other stuff that goes on his Tractors. And he got a big Dump Truck and a big Loader... and soo much more.
We did have a Christmas Sleepover with Aunt Melissa, Uncle Chris, Kait and Zack! Uncle Troy, Aunt Tammy, Ashley and Lauren. They came to sleep over on Wednesday Night, and then got up the next morning to eat breakfast and hang out and played games and XBox and Guitar Hero... and then Aunt Marcia and Jonathon and Kyle and Amanda came to eat Christmas Supper/Snacks/Desserets.... and more!!!
Then later that day we opened Presents.... it was fun!! Max got alot of clothes and some books and toys, which was good. I got a very cool Titans Purse... (Tennessee Titans Football Team!) and a pair of Titans Earrings. And new PJ's!! And alot more from my hubby.
My hubby got his games for the XBox 360 that he wanted including "The Beatles" I honestly don't know their songs, but I did play it some.
Anyway-- I have to say that this year has been the best yet!! Dispite a few down points. But this has been the healthiest year ever, and Max's Presents to My Parents and Janell.... were centered around "Cancer-Free" Max gave his Papa Owen a Hat that I had embroidered "Papa Owen" with a little "Purple" Cancer Ribbon on the back of it. And I sent both My Mom and Janell Add-a-bead Bracelets. With their Birthstones and a Family Bead. They were all out of Cancer Ribbon Beads so I will have to send them one when I find one, I also got a Add-a-bead Bracelet also, with a Mother Bead on it.
So now we are ready to Celebrate New Years Eve.... at Uncle Troy and Aunt Tammys House. And then we are off the the Hockey Game on Jan 2nd!! Yayyyy!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Is it Christmas yet??

Max has a Feeding Therapy today at Bill Wilkerson Center at 1:00pm, I thought it was going to be at 11:30am, so I hurried up and got ready and everything and was waking Max up when my cell phone rang, I answered and I lost the call, so whomever called back and left a voicemail, saying that Max's appointment was at 1:00pm...... ohh geezz!!! Well I guess it will be ok, time to kill and alot of it. So I'm blogging!! I don't have a very interesting life, I mean I do, but my stupid laptop will not upload pictures so yall can't see how interesting OUR life really is. We do laugh and we laugh ALOT!! So anyway--
Ok, So I'm so excited for Christmas and for Max to see what Santa has brought him. :D So anyway, we were trying to get Max to cooperate and help clean up him toys and put things back where they belong to kinda help out. And we asked him what Santa told him to do so that Santa can bring him LOTS of Tractors.... and Santa told Max, that Max had to be 'nice'... so we always ask Max.... What did Santa say to you.
So Max does pretty good at helping out, he just needs to learn to help feed the Puppy and his Fish, So its ok. I don't mind... really I don't. I take the puppy out to go potty and poopy and she runs around outside and plays with the other dog. And she won't mind me when I call her to come in, I was chasing her all around the yard, ohh how I wish I was younger I could have caught her in one swipe, instead it took like 7 swipes and a fall down to get her! LOL She really is a cute little puppy... that silly ol' JD! Who would have know a little boy could name his girl puppy JD - after a John Deere Tractor!! LOL Too cute!
Ok so I guess I should get my stuff together and get Max ready by that time it should be about time to go.... maybe. Have a Great Monday!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LOL People are just... I don't know....

Ok, So I have this friend and her little boy has some SERIOUS Health issues. Like 3-4 Seizures a day. And they don't know what is causing them. We would have had our babies like 2 weeks apart if her baby hadn't been way premature... by 2 1/2 months. He was born July 11, 07 and Max was born Sept 7, 07.
Well her and her baby have been over to Vanderbilt Childrens Hosptial since last Tuesday and they can't seem to figure out why or what is causing his Seizures. So yesterday she was updating everyone on Facebook. And I guess they have to wait for her little boy to have a seziure to see what he looks like when he is having one. Sad. So I guess they had to run some tests on him today and have a MRI done, so while they were waiting for this special little boy to have a seizure... she posted "Waiting for *Mark* to have a seziure so we can go home". Mark by the way is not his real name. But the next Facebook post was.... "Mark had a Seizure, Yayy!!!" How crude and rude is that??? This poor little innocent little boy is struggling and his Mom posts that!! I just can't get over it! I text her and gave her a "piece of my mind" even if she didn't like it. I would NEVER ever in my right mind post that! And would I EVER write "yayy" about my Special needs baby having a Seizure!! I mean I write "yayy" when we are done with a Chemo treatment or he did good on one of his procedures... its like me saying "yayy" they found another spot or cancer in him. I don't know.... it really had bothered me badly. I feel so bad for this little boy. And then on top of that.... Her and the baby's daddy are fighting and its posted all on her Facebook page... how REALLY IMATURE is that!! Calling the other names and fighting while she and her baby are in Vanderbilt... the Hosptial for really really REALLY sick kids!! Do they not have a Heart? Or are they just self-centered?? I don't get it!
So on a happier note.... We are HAPPY and We LOVE Life and Life is Good this Holiday Season!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yes, it was a MONDAY!!!

Yeah it was a nightmare yesterday to take Max to get his pictures taken, me and my mother-in-law went to take Max to Olan Mills. Well we thought it would be grea to have a new picture taken for Christmas.
Yeah right!!! Great Idea!!! Well it went fine up until Max had to go back to get his taken, the lights scared him, I think that he thought he was at the Doctors, and he just got scared and cried alot, it took me awhile to get him to cooperate with me and the picture lady, I had to tell Vicki to go out of the room, because Max just wanted her. So I told her to leave. lol I felt bad, but if I didn't do it, Max just wanted her and wanted to leave.
Finally after I had to give Max a Quarter and 3 dollars.... he finally agreed to sit up there and smile like a Monster!!! How cute is that going to be!! LOL After he seen that he was NOT at the Doctors he then cooperated a little bit more. And we blew bubbles for him so he could smile. Ohh these pictures are goin to be so cute, unfortunantly we won't be able to post them on here, because of the copyright!!
Anyway-- Max has a EUA on Thursday a little procedure to see if there are any "seeds" in his right eye from the Unilateral Retinoblastoma. Last time there was NOT any and in his last MRI there was NO Cancer either. So Pray with us again that there is NO Cancer or Evidence of Disease!! Thank you very much!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Well, well, well.......

Well, Happy Thanksgiving!! I thought that I would never get back on line after our Holiday! We had a great Thanksgiving, and we ate tons, and played games and then we made our Christmas lists so they knew what to get for us when they went shopping in the morning!! Then we came home and went to bed, my in-laws and my cousin-in-law went shopping at 4:00AM!! BLACK FRIDAY!!

So anyway, as Friday went on and on and on..... We had not heard from my in-laws and so my husband called them and they were at VA (Vetrans Affairs) The Hospital in Nashville for my Father-in-law he has been having some "arm pains and shortness of breathe" for about a month and a half. So they took him over there to get him checked out. We he had a Heart Attack while Shopping on Black Friday! We they didn't do anything to him until Monday and they just put a stent in him, and now he is home!! What a blessing it is to have him here with us.... That was close... too close to home!! We can't live with-out Max's Papa!!! xoxoxox

So everything is going good for now and we still need to finish our Christmas Shopping! And I am getting Max's Pictures taken soon. And just hang out with Papa... Max is getting so big and so much fun. He is talking a bit more and putting sentences together a little, mostly he uses Charades with us.... but he does talk more. Eating is a big issue still... and it SUCKS!! Sometimes he eats and sometimes he don't it just depends on his mood!! He still wants a Tractor for Christmas. Santa has like EVERY Tractor that he could make!! Santa is busy!! LOL

This Friday Max has a Dentist Appointment.... thats going to be real fun! I've never taken a child to the Dentist before, I've taken him to the Doctors but not the Dentist. But he needs to be seen, he is 2 years old now. So I hope he does good. Next Thursday Dec 10 Max goes for a EUA (Evaluation Under Anestheisa) Thats always fun too, NOT!! He gets his Eye Dialated and he don't like it one bit, but he does good. And I like these, because he gets them only every 6 months!! I wished his MRI's were like that, but his next MRI is in Feb 2010. It seems like a long time but it won't be!

So I'm going to go to bed now... I'm tired! As Max would say..... "nit" not night "nit"! .)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hey you!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Bloggers........ PLEASE Sign up for the Blogfrog.... at the right of my blog..... I want to be COOL like my cousin Mindy!!!!! I'm Lame I know, but I wat to be cool... So Sign up for it!!

A Doll, a Baby Doll....

HaHaHa.... I told Max that IF he is not good until Christmas, Santa would bring him a Baby Doll... so now everytime he is "naughty" I say, "Your gonna get a Baby Doll" from Santa instead of your John Deere Tractor!! So today we were getting our hair cuts and they girl asked Max what he was getting for Christmas.... he told her he was getting a Baby Doll!!! So I guess Santa will have to leave him a Baby Doll, so he won't be let down... Any Suggestions on which Baby Doll???

Monday, November 23, 2009

To be more Clear... about Max's MRI Result......

Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving Week!! So I thought I would write what the Doctor has said to me... or given me in the MRI report. As many have e-mailed me and asked me.... I guess I didn't very well explain it. Findings: No restricted diffusion is seen. The patients udnergone a left enucleation. Stable subtle stranding is noted within the intraconal fat. The Prosthesis is normally positioned. No abnormal enhancement is noted within the optic chiasm or optic tracks to suggest recurrece. No extra axial masses or collections are identified. The 4th venntricle is normal in size and is in the midline, the 3rd and lateral ventricles are normal in size, shape and configuration. The cerebral, cerebellar and brainstem parenchyma demonstrate normal signal characterisitic. No untoward areas of enhancement are identified. The dural sinuses are intact, flow void is seen within the basilar and carotid arteries at the level of the cavernous sinuses. The cavernous sinuses are grossly normal. The pituitary glad in normal in signal, as the optic chiasm. The paranasal sinuses are clear.Of note, there is a rim enhancing, T2 hyerintensity adjacent to the right sphenoid that likely represents an opacified air cell in connection with the sphenoid. Since this lesion had progressively increased in size in the comparison to multiple prior studies close follow-up with MRI is recommended in 3 months.1. Stable postoperactive changes after the left enucleation without evidence of recurrance.2. T2 hyperintense lesion within the right sphenoid, likely representing mucus within the aerated sphenoid wing. However, since this lesion had increased in size in comparison to mutiple proirs progressively, close follow-up at 3 months is recommended. Vanderbilt University Medical Center. So Thats what Max has, did I put it any clearer.... The way Miss Tara talked like was he just has Mucus build up in his sinus. She asked if he had headaches, how do you know if your 2 year old has a headache?? Anyway-- I have to go now, Max is jumping on my bed and he's gonna fall off.... No more Monkey's jumping on the bed!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Wonderful Beautiful Day For A Parade.....

OK, So if my laptop wasn't such a "guy" and stop being so SLOWWWW I would upload some pictures on here of the Christmas Parade. Max was so much fun. We took him to the Parade today and he had fun. We went with Melissa, Chris, Kaitlynn and Zack. And Papa and Nany and Mama. They all thought Max would get scared at the Parade with the Sirens Blowing and big crowds.... Heck NO He loved it. He loves the Fire Engines, and Police Cars, and most of all the Tractors!!! And they all thaough he would get scared of Santa... after the Parade we walked up to the Square and just walked around. Well, I seen Santa walking around... Soooooo I asked Max if who that was, and Max said.... "ho ho ho" and "tractor". I asked Santa if he would mind posing for a picture with Max and he said "Not at all" so I lifted Max out of the Stroller and into Santa's Arms, I was expecting Max to cry, as most 2 year olds do! NOT Max, he sat right up there and just looked around, I have pictures but they are really hard to upload on here, thats why there is only 1 picture! hahaha
So anyway, lately I have been teasing Max about being good for Santa. And I tell Max he is goin to get a "baby doll" if he is NOT nice! And he usually says "tractor" But today when I did it, Max said he WAS gettin a "baby doll'' from Santa. ohhh gosh.... back to Tractors. You can ask him what he is getting from Santa, and sometimes he will say "baby doll" or "tractor" its so fun! I love his little giggle and how he raises him eyebrows when he shakes his head "yes". He gets that from his daddy. We, Max and I are goin to get our haircut on Tuesday. I thought we might look nice with haircuts for Thanksgiving. I'm getting shaggy and Max, I missed a whole big spot on his top when I cut it last time, so I think I just might have to not do it anymore, so it looks nice. hahaha Well, I am just ramblin now, I'm tired and so I must go to bed now... night night soon I'll be snoring.......

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Hockey Game.... We WON!!!

Ok, so I wouldn't think I would like Hockey.... But being married to a HOCKEY NUT... its kinda hard not to like it. I do like it!! And the first year I lived in Tennessee my fiance` had Season Tickets. And we went to the Games. But as the years went by, and money was tight, we only went to a few games a year, and now.... We go to games monthly. Courtesy of our "friend" who works with the Nasvhille Predators. We have AWESOME Seats, 1o rows back from the ICE!! WHOO HOO.... but its so cold! But I love it, and little Max loves it too. He thinks that Hockey is the BEST, he started likeing it at 4 months old, we would sit him in front of the TV and he would watch it. So when we got the chance to take him to a Hockey Game, we went!! Awesome! But I had told our "friend" we wanted some tickets to a game and to see what she could do. Mind you..... these tickets are DONATED from Our Nashville Predators Players. So she don't "actually" give them to us, I'm to thankful for the Guys on the ICE for doing this, it is such a happy feeling to look over and see Max Smiling to BIG because there are guys out there hitting the puck and falling down, and having a good time while we watch them. IF they could see Max's BIG Smile. I am thankful for them and giving Max a oppurtunity to see them. So anyway-- Nashville did win 4-3 against San Jose Sharks!

A few weeks ago at the "Hockey Fights Cancer" Game we went to, I wanted to stop by the Auction table and buy a "Cancer Braclet" you know the "arm bands or braclets in a specific color" like the Lance Armstrong Braclets, anyway I wanted one of them, but I didn't get the chance to get one. So this last Hockey game I went to blow my nose and the bathroom is just right behind the auction table so I strolled by the table and asked how much the braclets were, and the Man said they were $1.00 so I told him I wanted one because my little 2 year old baby boy HAD Cancer when he was 8 months old. So he just handed me a braclet.... and Smiled at me! And I tried to give him the dollar and he wouldn't take it. I don't want to "faunt" that Max had Cancer, but I don't and won't keep it a secret. But I won't be pitty to someone either, like some people are, they let their childs Cancer get to their heads and will take advantage of people. I just think that is so sad. But I will not, if you want to help thats fine, but I will not burden anyone, and will not be "asking" anyone for anything! Thats just me!

So, anyway... I'm tired and I must go to bed, Max had Speech Therapy in the Morning.

Monday, November 16, 2009

MRI Results....

Well, The MRI results are good, and there is NO recurrance of Cancer.... BUT... There is a spot in Max's Nasal Cavity above his Right Eye (The GOOD Eye). So they think it is a Mucus Blockage and it has got bigger since the last MRI in August 09. SO that is where we stand now. There was and still is a possibility that the Chemotherapy "could" contribute to secondary Cancer, Bone Cancer or some other sort. That was the only Possibility we had, but they seem to think that this is all it is! I was so HAPPY to hear that the MRI Results were clean, but that don't mean we are out of the woods yet, we still have to get past the 4 1/2 year mark. So we have been sent papers on the Survivorship Program at Vanderbilt.

Anyway, we got tickets to the Predators Game tomarrow night. My "person" got us tickets to the game, and she usually gets us GREAT Seats too. GOOOO Predators!! Well, I am tired and I'm goin to bed now... Good Night!!

I am trying to take Max off the Bottle at night, which isn't working. But he is off his binkie now!!

Monday and A Doctor Visit.....

OK, so its Monday Morning at 6:19am! Max has a Appointment with his Oncologist Dr. Kuttesch at Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital, at 1:00pm today. Just to get the results of last Thursday's MRI. Which we think that it will be a clean MRI and he will now be able to go every 6 months for MRI's now, but the older he gets that harder it will be. Man.... did we have a hard time getting him a IV in!! Whooaa....... They had to give him Versaid, which is a nasal mist to calm him down, that worked for a bit, but then he was bad. LOL If I could have did it for him I would have! Poor little guy!!
So they finally got the IV in him hand, but by the time we got to the MRI room he had pulled it loose from his hand and they couldn't give him meds through it. So there Max was laying on the MRI table and with out a IV in, so they ended up just IVing him in his foot and then taping it inplace while he was out!! So next time they told us to make sure he is goin to get a MRI to get him to come on Monday... they can Gas him. He has had Gas one time to be put to sleep, that was the time they could NOT find a vein... and they stuck him like 17 times! Thank Goodness for Pedia-Ports!!
Anyway, Max's Papa had a Doc Appointment this moring also, so today to Doc Day!! LOL
So, anyway... I shall post later today on Max's MRI results and Doc Appointments. We have decided on a name for the Puppy.... well on a few names for the puppy.... Belle, J.D., (John Deere) and Gnash (Predators Mascot). So I don't know just yet! I have to go now, that danged puppy is howling....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Ok, so the Axniety has set in once again.... I hate these Freakin MRI's Max has to have every 3 months.... but IF (and WE think that...) this MRI is CLEAN, Max can have a MRI every 6 months.... How sweet is that!!!! Thats the thing I want to hear.... Max is CANCER FREE!!! I'll be happy when he goes for his 1 year MRI's.
So anyway-- we have to be at Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital at 7:00am or at least by 7:00am. He goes for his MRI at 8:00am and it should take a hour to a hour and a half. So its not that bad. I hope he does well with his IV Insert. He's not the best "stick" and he pulls it out half the time. With his Pedia-port is was SOOOOO easy! But now it has been almost a year since he has had his Pedia-port removed.... and so now he just has to have a "stick" and he has my Veins... Not good at all. So anyway--- Max was goin to bed at 7:00 tonight, and he woke up at about 8:15... so it will be at least Midnight when we get to bed. So its goin to be a rough night!! Boo!!
I will NOT have a ANY Results of Max's MRI's until Monday, but when I know I will let yall know. Max has a Doctors Appointment with Dr. Kuttesch on Monday. And then we start a BUSY week. Everyday we are going to be going somewhere... Monday- Max's Doctor Appointment, Tuesday- Max's LAST Feeding Therapy, Wednesday..... My Annual OB/GYN Appointment, (NO I'm NOT Pregnant!!!) And Thursday- Max's Speech Therapy, and Friday- Max's Feeding Therapy..... WOW What a Week!!!

Updates to follow... and we STILL have not named our Puppy!! Any Suggestions??

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Today started out by going to Feeding Therapy in Nashville, (we have one more Therapy Session to go to... Yayy!!) I had called on a Beagle Puppy Yesterday, and they were in Springfield. So I told the lady I would stop by and see them, because we wanted a Puppy of some sort, and we have read that Beagles are good with Children.
So we got done at BWC and on our way back to Springfield. We stopped at Walmart to get Contact Solution for me and I just had to have a Dt. Coke!!! I was thirsty! So then we stopped by where Max's Nana used to work to visit them until after 4:00pm, we visited with Nana and MaryNell and Leonard. Then we went off to see The Beagle Puppies.
Ohh they were sooo cute!! I wanted all of them. But they were selling them for $65.00.... Well, we looked at them and Max played with them. And finally the Man said, "I have the "runt'' back here if you want to look at it". So I said "Sure!" He brought it out and she was soo cute, and Max loved it right away.... so I proceeded to them the Man and his Wife about Max and his Cancer..... log story short.... He just gave us the "runt" free!!! FREE!!!! So, Me and Max are the Proud owners of a Female Beagle Puppy... She is sooo adorable!! We just love her! But she does NOT have a name yet! We don't know what to call her, I thought of "Southern Belle" and calling her "Belle" So I don't know yet. So that was our day! How was your day??

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thank Goodness the week is over.....

Okie Dokie---

So its Friday Night and I just put little/big Max to bed. And now Jody is down the hall playing XBox- NHL Hockey! So all is good! So we have a Speech Evaluation today for Max, since he was diagnosed with Cancer LAST Year.... He had some issues on Speech and Eating. So we have had him in both of them since June 09. He has been doing great in both, so we decided to do anthor Speech Therapy. So he goes on Fridays, he has been saying a few random words but, not rattling off sentences like he should be. He don't put too words together, he only does "ish-bowl" for Fish Bowl. He calls a Transfer Truck a "Bye-Bye" and "Uff-Uff" for a dog, but he can say "dog'' when he wants to. I don't know what it is. hahaha

So as for PICTURES on here.... I asked for help from my Facebook Friends, but NOBODY wanted to help me except my cousin Kim. So I still don't know what I am doin and how to upload Pictures!!!! So hopefully, I will follow her instructions and "maybe" upload some Pictures on here. There's so many and my poor Lap-top is so old and SLOW that I don't know if I can upload them. hahaha So we will see keep checking back now and then.... I wonder if anyone really does ready my Blog???? I bet not, no one never leaves a Comment or anything! Oh well!!

See Yall next time....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Uploading Pictures.......... NO!!

Ok, HI! Umm, I tried to upload some pictures last night.... so how my Gadgets didn't take or I posted my pictures to somewhere else on the web.... But they did't show up on my blogspot page! So I will try to attempt to do it again, when I have more time when Max goes to sleep! So in the mean time, just beare with me... this has the shortest blog ever! See ya next time!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Well, its November!! What a Month to be "THANKFUL" for Everything in my life!! I am so LUCKY to have Max in my life and I'm LUCKY to be his Mama. He is such a joy to have!! He is growing so fast, and is so cute. And so lovable! I totally love it! We have a few more weeks for Feeding Therapy before going to Once a month. And Max still has Miss Carter come Once a week to help with Speech. Then we go to another Speech Therapy in Portland on Fridays.
I called today to see if Max's Dr. Wilkins had sent us a referal to a Allergy Specialist yet, and the appointment has been set up for January 14, 2010. And also i called on a Dentist Appointment for Max.... Dec 4, 2009. That should be fun!! I'm not looking forward to that, but it will be good to get him started on that habit of brushing his teeth, he does it already but, I just want to make sure that he is doing it better.
Not too much has been going on, its nice weather out there. Fall Weather.... its great!! We are suppost to have "nice" weather this week. So far to good!! :) So I guess, I will update in a few days when something new happends.

Max and Mama XOXOXO

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hockey Fights CANCER!!

It was HOCKEY FIGHTS CANCER Night at the Somet Center in Nasvhille last night, Ohh We had a WONDERFUL time at the Hockey Game last night, We had fun! Max got a T-shirt and he got a Vanderbilt Lifelight Helicopter. And we had GREAT/AWESOME Seats.... 10 rows up from the GLASS!! I love them kind of seats!! Before the Game, the Players come onto the Ice to Warm up. And we almost always go down to the Ice if we have good seats! I like watching them warm up, they skate by you sooo fast, and then the Puck hits the wall and, I said...... "Ohh Sh--!!" LOL but it was fun! Nashville won 1-0 against the Chicago Blackhawks. (I got great pictures, if my laptop wasn't so stupid I would post some, but for some reason it likes to go slow!!) They Honored those kids who have/had and lost their battle to Cancer, the face-off was with a boy who is now in Remission with his Cancer, I think he had his last treatment last month, so Stever Sullivan (Nashville Predators) gave the boy his Hockey Stick!! How awesome is that!! SWEET!!! These Hockey Players take time out of their busy schedule and hang out with the kids, about a year ago we had a opprtunity to meet 3 Nasvhille Predators, # 10 Martin Erat, #22 Jordin Tootoo and #71 J.P. Dumont. That was great!! Last night was also Make-a-wish for some of the Cancer kids too.

Anyway- Tomarrow is Halloween. And Max will be a little Sherriff, with a Cowboy Hat. He looks so cute!! Once again I would post pictures.... but I'm sorry! I wish I had high-speed internet and a desktop! ohh well..... I think it is about time for a nap, Max just yawned and I did too! We had a late night last night, So Halloween.... I guess we will dress Max up and go to a few houses. He did go Trick-or-Treating at feeding Therapy on Tuesday. He said something that sounded like Treeeet, but I'm not sure, he gets a little too happy when he starts to say something and then it comes out like a "growl" lol at least he is trying!!

So I guess thats it for today! Have a Great Weekend and be safe!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm a SLACKER..........

OK, so I have been very busy with LIFE!! And LIFE is GREAT!! Thats why I have not been bloggin as much as I would like to! Sure, there are some interesting things that have been goin on... But I just don't have time! So here goes a little version....

Me and Moo got home from Utah (Sept) went to regular Feeding Therapys at Bill Wilkerson at Vanderbilt for Moo, Speech Therapy for Moo every Thursday at 11:00am, umm... Thats about all. Moo got his Shots for his 2 year well-visit at Vanderbilt, umm.... More Feeding Therapys and more Speech Therapys.... umm, Thats really about all!! We are goin to a Nashville Predators Hockey Game tomarrow night at the Somet Center in Nasvhille, I called and got "FREE" tickets. Because it is "Hockey FIGHTS Cancer Night" and as yall know we are Cancer Survivours!!

I promise I will blog more regularly now, my life may slow down or it may not..... Moo had hit the TERRIBLE TWOS!!!! *sighs...*

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cookout/Welcome Home/Birthday Get Together!

Well, on Sunday we went up the street to my Brothers house to have a Cookout/Welcome Home/Birthday Get Together..... For Max and Me Homecoming and Mckayla's Birthday and My Birthday!! We like to Party alot!! hahaha Really we just had some Hamburgers and Salads and then we played alot with the kids, Max especially liked their cat! And Max jumped on the Trampoline!! I have not jumped on the Trampoline for a long long time!! It was fun! I always have a lot of fun when I am with my neices and nephews. They keep us going!!

Then after we ate we have Cupcakes for Dessert! With Pink Icing and Sprinkles.... That was our Birthday Cupcakes! My Brother put Candles in them, like 12 for McKayla and ALOT for me in the Cupcake! Well, the wind was blowing and I couldn't keep my Candles lit! So I ended up blowing 2 out! LOL I was funny!! From now on... If they put Candles on my Birthday Cakes/Cupcakes....theywill put 7 -- Thats our LUCKY number! Max was orn on Sept 7, and so it always have been a good/lucky number for us!

We are having a lot of fun here, we just got back from a walk aroung about 5 blocks down around the Temple. It's so peaceful and quiet here! I love it here! I am missing home, I am missing the Dog and my Cat and My Crabbys... ohh yeah and my Husband!! Sweet! But this week is the Sanpete County Fair and I can't wait to take Max down there, and see how he does. It will be fun for him!

I told my mom that living here in Utah is much cheaper than living inTennessee!! A Gallon on Milk here is $1.89 compared to $3.89 back home in Tennessee. I don't know what it is, but I like it. Diapers are another thing we saved on.... I told my mom she needs to start using Coupons!!

OK, I better go play with my family!!

Until next time...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Home Sweet Home... Manti!!

Ohh how I love coming back to Utah! It's so much fun! I wish for my little boy to be able to keep comingb back here for "Summer Visits" with my Parents! It's so peaceful here.... I love the people here, because they have know me all my life. I went to a Friends Wedding Open-house last night, and I have not seen so MANY people I forgot I knew.... LOL
I even seen a old high school teacher there... it brings back memories, I seen so many of my high school friends there, it was like a big Party/Get together thingy. It was fun!
But I think today we are goin to go to my Brothers house and Celebrate his daughters 12th birthday!! She turned 12 Aug 22nd, and so we weren't here then, we will do it today! I got to see my Aunt Michelle yesterday and my sweet little Neice Keyera! She came up to me and gave me a BIG hug and then she said that "Max got big!" And yes he has grown since we were here last! I'm glad of that, and I am hoping Max does good with the Boys this time and isn't so scared of them, I don't think he will be. I got in the shower and out and my mom said the Max didn't even call my name while I was in the shower, last time I was here he cried and cried when I got in the shower! So I guess he isn't so shy this time, and plus we can play outside this time because it is warmer!! Last time it was SNOWING!! :)

SO I guess I will blog later and let yall know what we did today!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This and Thats..... :)

Well ok, so here I am trying to blog.... So this week has been great! On Saturday Max and Me will fly to Utah for 18 days to visit Family Members and Celebrate our Birthdays (Mine is Aug 27, and Max's is Sept 7th). We have had a few doctors appointments this week, well Max had Feeding Therapy on Mondays at Noon, and then he had his regular 3 month check-up with Dr. John Frank Kuttesch of Vanderbilt, (Max's Oncology Specialist) He's so Cool!! We love him and we will always have him close to us, he DID save my little boys life!

But we did get the MRI results back and it shows NOTHING has returned!! How SWEET is that?!?! So Max is scheduled for another MRI in November and a follow-up with Dr. Kuttesch then, and then of course Max will go have 6 month MRI's then 12 month MRI's for 3 years, when then he is redeemed CANCER-FREE!!!! Yayy! Praise GOD! Sweet!!

So like I said we are getting packed for Utah, I have already got Max's Suitcase packed now I just have to pack mine! I will do that tomarrow - hopefully!! So I'm new to this Blogging thing and I think I might like it almost as Facebook!! LOL So I hope everyone enjoys this... also I am posting a link to Max's Webpage on Caring Bridge..... you can go and read what I post about when he did have Cancer and what went on during that time.... it seems like it was so long ago!! Anyway--- his webpage is...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

New To Blogspot!!

So, um ok. I don't know much about this and I'll try to update yall as much as I can, I hardly get on the computer these days, My little Max keeps me busy all day long. So sometimes I have to log online on my cell phone, and it isn't the same as on my laptop! Thats for sure. Anyway, ohh and No I have dial-up and I can't post pictures very often, you might get a picture now and then one in 3 months... bear with me on that. We live out in the Sticks!!