Ok, So I have this friend and her little boy has some SERIOUS Health issues. Like 3-4 Seizures a day. And they don't know what is causing them. We would have had our babies like 2 weeks apart if her baby hadn't been way premature... by 2 1/2 months. He was born July 11, 07 and Max was born Sept 7, 07.
Well her and her baby have been over to Vanderbilt Childrens Hosptial since last Tuesday and they can't seem to figure out why or what is causing his Seizures. So yesterday she was updating everyone on Facebook. And I guess they have to wait for her little boy to have a seziure to see what he looks like when he is having one. Sad. So I guess they had to run some tests on him today and have a MRI done, so while they were waiting for this special little boy to have a seizure... she posted "Waiting for *Mark* to have a seziure so we can go home". Mark by the way is not his real name. But the next Facebook post was.... "Mark had a Seizure, Yayy!!!" How crude and rude is that??? This poor little innocent little boy is struggling and his Mom posts that!! I just can't get over it! I text her and gave her a "piece of my mind" even if she didn't like it. I would NEVER ever in my right mind post that! And would I EVER write "yayy" about my Special needs baby having a Seizure!! I mean I write "yayy" when we are done with a Chemo treatment or he did good on one of his procedures... its like me saying "yayy" they found another spot or cancer in him. I don't know.... it really had bothered me badly. I feel so bad for this little boy. And then on top of that.... Her and the baby's daddy are fighting and its posted all on her Facebook page... how REALLY IMATURE is that!! Calling the other names and fighting while she and her baby are in Vanderbilt... the Hosptial for really really REALLY sick kids!! Do they not have a Heart? Or are they just self-centered?? I don't get it!
So on a happier note.... We are HAPPY and We LOVE Life and Life is Good this Holiday Season!