Monday, November 2, 2009

Well, its November!! What a Month to be "THANKFUL" for Everything in my life!! I am so LUCKY to have Max in my life and I'm LUCKY to be his Mama. He is such a joy to have!! He is growing so fast, and is so cute. And so lovable! I totally love it! We have a few more weeks for Feeding Therapy before going to Once a month. And Max still has Miss Carter come Once a week to help with Speech. Then we go to another Speech Therapy in Portland on Fridays.
I called today to see if Max's Dr. Wilkins had sent us a referal to a Allergy Specialist yet, and the appointment has been set up for January 14, 2010. And also i called on a Dentist Appointment for Max.... Dec 4, 2009. That should be fun!! I'm not looking forward to that, but it will be good to get him started on that habit of brushing his teeth, he does it already but, I just want to make sure that he is doing it better.
Not too much has been going on, its nice weather out there. Fall Weather.... its great!! We are suppost to have "nice" weather this week. So far to good!! :) So I guess, I will update in a few days when something new happends.

Max and Mama XOXOXO