Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Ok, so the Axniety has set in once again.... I hate these Freakin MRI's Max has to have every 3 months.... but IF (and WE think that...) this MRI is CLEAN, Max can have a MRI every 6 months.... How sweet is that!!!! Thats the thing I want to hear.... Max is CANCER FREE!!! I'll be happy when he goes for his 1 year MRI's.
So anyway-- we have to be at Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital at 7:00am or at least by 7:00am. He goes for his MRI at 8:00am and it should take a hour to a hour and a half. So its not that bad. I hope he does well with his IV Insert. He's not the best "stick" and he pulls it out half the time. With his Pedia-port is was SOOOOO easy! But now it has been almost a year since he has had his Pedia-port removed.... and so now he just has to have a "stick" and he has my Veins... Not good at all. So anyway--- Max was goin to bed at 7:00 tonight, and he woke up at about 8:15... so it will be at least Midnight when we get to bed. So its goin to be a rough night!! Boo!!
I will NOT have a ANY Results of Max's MRI's until Monday, but when I know I will let yall know. Max has a Doctors Appointment with Dr. Kuttesch on Monday. And then we start a BUSY week. Everyday we are going to be going somewhere... Monday- Max's Doctor Appointment, Tuesday- Max's LAST Feeding Therapy, Wednesday..... My Annual OB/GYN Appointment, (NO I'm NOT Pregnant!!!) And Thursday- Max's Speech Therapy, and Friday- Max's Feeding Therapy..... WOW What a Week!!!

Updates to follow... and we STILL have not named our Puppy!! Any Suggestions??