Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Is Finally Over......

I am really peeved that I can not upload pics on here. I think when Tax time comes... I will might get me a new Laptop or Desktop!
And then maybe I could upload some more pictures!! I took alot of pics with my cell phone and I have uploaded them onto my Facebook page, so if you have me on your Facebook you will be able to see us!
Anyway-- Max got TONS of Tractors.... John Deere and Case Tractors... He woke up to lots of toys and presents. A day before Christmas... Max had opened the box that my Dad and Janell had sent us by UPS. And he opened the present.... which was a John Deere Blanket!! That was so way cool!!! Which she knows that Max likes John Deere Tractors!! So she got him a book and a shirt and a... John Deere Tractor!!! ALL John Deere stuff!! And he got the cutest little pair of PJ's that said.... "ON SANTA'S GOOD LIST" ohh so cute! And sooo NOT true!! hahaha
So Max has been talking about getting a Disc for Christmas.... a part that goes on the Tractor. IDK. So he got his Disc and a bunch of other stuff that goes on his Tractors. And he got a big Dump Truck and a big Loader... and soo much more.
We did have a Christmas Sleepover with Aunt Melissa, Uncle Chris, Kait and Zack! Uncle Troy, Aunt Tammy, Ashley and Lauren. They came to sleep over on Wednesday Night, and then got up the next morning to eat breakfast and hang out and played games and XBox and Guitar Hero... and then Aunt Marcia and Jonathon and Kyle and Amanda came to eat Christmas Supper/Snacks/Desserets.... and more!!!
Then later that day we opened Presents.... it was fun!! Max got alot of clothes and some books and toys, which was good. I got a very cool Titans Purse... (Tennessee Titans Football Team!) and a pair of Titans Earrings. And new PJ's!! And alot more from my hubby.
My hubby got his games for the XBox 360 that he wanted including "The Beatles" I honestly don't know their songs, but I did play it some.
Anyway-- I have to say that this year has been the best yet!! Dispite a few down points. But this has been the healthiest year ever, and Max's Presents to My Parents and Janell.... were centered around "Cancer-Free" Max gave his Papa Owen a Hat that I had embroidered "Papa Owen" with a little "Purple" Cancer Ribbon on the back of it. And I sent both My Mom and Janell Add-a-bead Bracelets. With their Birthstones and a Family Bead. They were all out of Cancer Ribbon Beads so I will have to send them one when I find one, I also got a Add-a-bead Bracelet also, with a Mother Bead on it.
So now we are ready to Celebrate New Years Eve.... at Uncle Troy and Aunt Tammys House. And then we are off the the Hockey Game on Jan 2nd!! Yayyyy!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Is it Christmas yet??

Max has a Feeding Therapy today at Bill Wilkerson Center at 1:00pm, I thought it was going to be at 11:30am, so I hurried up and got ready and everything and was waking Max up when my cell phone rang, I answered and I lost the call, so whomever called back and left a voicemail, saying that Max's appointment was at 1:00pm...... ohh geezz!!! Well I guess it will be ok, time to kill and alot of it. So I'm blogging!! I don't have a very interesting life, I mean I do, but my stupid laptop will not upload pictures so yall can't see how interesting OUR life really is. We do laugh and we laugh ALOT!! So anyway--
Ok, So I'm so excited for Christmas and for Max to see what Santa has brought him. :D So anyway, we were trying to get Max to cooperate and help clean up him toys and put things back where they belong to kinda help out. And we asked him what Santa told him to do so that Santa can bring him LOTS of Tractors.... and Santa told Max, that Max had to be 'nice'... so we always ask Max.... What did Santa say to you.
So Max does pretty good at helping out, he just needs to learn to help feed the Puppy and his Fish, So its ok. I don't mind... really I don't. I take the puppy out to go potty and poopy and she runs around outside and plays with the other dog. And she won't mind me when I call her to come in, I was chasing her all around the yard, ohh how I wish I was younger I could have caught her in one swipe, instead it took like 7 swipes and a fall down to get her! LOL She really is a cute little puppy... that silly ol' JD! Who would have know a little boy could name his girl puppy JD - after a John Deere Tractor!! LOL Too cute!
Ok so I guess I should get my stuff together and get Max ready by that time it should be about time to go.... maybe. Have a Great Monday!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LOL People are just... I don't know....

Ok, So I have this friend and her little boy has some SERIOUS Health issues. Like 3-4 Seizures a day. And they don't know what is causing them. We would have had our babies like 2 weeks apart if her baby hadn't been way premature... by 2 1/2 months. He was born July 11, 07 and Max was born Sept 7, 07.
Well her and her baby have been over to Vanderbilt Childrens Hosptial since last Tuesday and they can't seem to figure out why or what is causing his Seizures. So yesterday she was updating everyone on Facebook. And I guess they have to wait for her little boy to have a seziure to see what he looks like when he is having one. Sad. So I guess they had to run some tests on him today and have a MRI done, so while they were waiting for this special little boy to have a seizure... she posted "Waiting for *Mark* to have a seziure so we can go home". Mark by the way is not his real name. But the next Facebook post was.... "Mark had a Seizure, Yayy!!!" How crude and rude is that??? This poor little innocent little boy is struggling and his Mom posts that!! I just can't get over it! I text her and gave her a "piece of my mind" even if she didn't like it. I would NEVER ever in my right mind post that! And would I EVER write "yayy" about my Special needs baby having a Seizure!! I mean I write "yayy" when we are done with a Chemo treatment or he did good on one of his procedures... its like me saying "yayy" they found another spot or cancer in him. I don't know.... it really had bothered me badly. I feel so bad for this little boy. And then on top of that.... Her and the baby's daddy are fighting and its posted all on her Facebook page... how REALLY IMATURE is that!! Calling the other names and fighting while she and her baby are in Vanderbilt... the Hosptial for really really REALLY sick kids!! Do they not have a Heart? Or are they just self-centered?? I don't get it!
So on a happier note.... We are HAPPY and We LOVE Life and Life is Good this Holiday Season!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yes, it was a MONDAY!!!

Yeah it was a nightmare yesterday to take Max to get his pictures taken, me and my mother-in-law went to take Max to Olan Mills. Well we thought it would be grea to have a new picture taken for Christmas.
Yeah right!!! Great Idea!!! Well it went fine up until Max had to go back to get his taken, the lights scared him, I think that he thought he was at the Doctors, and he just got scared and cried alot, it took me awhile to get him to cooperate with me and the picture lady, I had to tell Vicki to go out of the room, because Max just wanted her. So I told her to leave. lol I felt bad, but if I didn't do it, Max just wanted her and wanted to leave.
Finally after I had to give Max a Quarter and 3 dollars.... he finally agreed to sit up there and smile like a Monster!!! How cute is that going to be!! LOL After he seen that he was NOT at the Doctors he then cooperated a little bit more. And we blew bubbles for him so he could smile. Ohh these pictures are goin to be so cute, unfortunantly we won't be able to post them on here, because of the copyright!!
Anyway-- Max has a EUA on Thursday a little procedure to see if there are any "seeds" in his right eye from the Unilateral Retinoblastoma. Last time there was NOT any and in his last MRI there was NO Cancer either. So Pray with us again that there is NO Cancer or Evidence of Disease!! Thank you very much!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Well, well, well.......

Well, Happy Thanksgiving!! I thought that I would never get back on line after our Holiday! We had a great Thanksgiving, and we ate tons, and played games and then we made our Christmas lists so they knew what to get for us when they went shopping in the morning!! Then we came home and went to bed, my in-laws and my cousin-in-law went shopping at 4:00AM!! BLACK FRIDAY!!

So anyway, as Friday went on and on and on..... We had not heard from my in-laws and so my husband called them and they were at VA (Vetrans Affairs) The Hospital in Nashville for my Father-in-law he has been having some "arm pains and shortness of breathe" for about a month and a half. So they took him over there to get him checked out. We he had a Heart Attack while Shopping on Black Friday! We they didn't do anything to him until Monday and they just put a stent in him, and now he is home!! What a blessing it is to have him here with us.... That was close... too close to home!! We can't live with-out Max's Papa!!! xoxoxox

So everything is going good for now and we still need to finish our Christmas Shopping! And I am getting Max's Pictures taken soon. And just hang out with Papa... Max is getting so big and so much fun. He is talking a bit more and putting sentences together a little, mostly he uses Charades with us.... but he does talk more. Eating is a big issue still... and it SUCKS!! Sometimes he eats and sometimes he don't it just depends on his mood!! He still wants a Tractor for Christmas. Santa has like EVERY Tractor that he could make!! Santa is busy!! LOL

This Friday Max has a Dentist Appointment.... thats going to be real fun! I've never taken a child to the Dentist before, I've taken him to the Doctors but not the Dentist. But he needs to be seen, he is 2 years old now. So I hope he does good. Next Thursday Dec 10 Max goes for a EUA (Evaluation Under Anestheisa) Thats always fun too, NOT!! He gets his Eye Dialated and he don't like it one bit, but he does good. And I like these, because he gets them only every 6 months!! I wished his MRI's were like that, but his next MRI is in Feb 2010. It seems like a long time but it won't be!

So I'm going to go to bed now... I'm tired! As Max would say..... "nit" not night "nit"! .)